Her flight was supposed to arrive at 7:33 P.M. in Wichita. Due to storms in Denver, her flight was delayed and eventually cancelled. Yep, she was stuck in Denver with a seven month old infant.
Fortunately, an extremely efficient and helpful United Airlines employee helped her and some other people. This employee was able to get her on a very late (also delayed) flight into Wichita.
So, I got the privilege of leaving for the airport at 12:15 A.M. Friday to pick them up. Nope, I don't think I've ever picked anybody up at the airport this late.
For those of you blog readers who aren't from Wichita, you are assuming correctly if you are assuming that Wichita does not have a big airport. Needless to say, this flight was definitely the last flight in. Here's a lovely photo of the monitor that showed her cancelled flight as well as the late delayed flight.

I sat and waited for a bit. Finally, at this time....

(that's 1:26 A.M. if you can't see it in the photo), the first passenger off of the flight came down the terminal. Because Tammy was flying with a sleeping infant, she was the LAST one down the ramp.
I was VERY excited to finally see her (we hadn't seen each other in a year and a half and she'd never seen Luke and I'd never seen her youngest son, Jesse).

More on her visit in a future post....
Also, this past Thursday (June 25), our friends Jon and Alissa (also friends of Tammy) had their first child, a son, named Ian Michael. Little Ian weighed 7 lb. 4 oz. and was 19 inches long. Fortunately, Alissa and Ian are doing fine. Ian was breech with the foot almost coming out (Alissa was in labor and was ready to push when this was discovered). So, a VERY QUICK emergency C-Section was performed in the middle of the night.
Tammy and I went and visited Jon, Alissa, and Ian this past weekend. Here's a photo of little Ian on his dad's chest. How PRECIOUS!!!!

Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate. Psalm 127:3-5
On Friday (I hope this post isn't too confusing with days), Tammy and Jesse had lunch with a couple they knew. During that time, Marc, Luke, and I went and ate in Military Park here in town. It was First Bank's "Customer Appreciation Day." We actually don't bank there, but the event was open to the community.
They had complimentary hot dogs, chips, and of course Pepsi. (Why do you think Marc wanted to go?)
It was a nice and toasty 100 degrees, but we didn't stay too long. I really didn't want Luke to overheat or sunburn. I too didn't want to get too hot or sunburn.

First, we picked up the hot dogs and potato chips. Thanks to those who served this meal in the SCORCHING heat.

After Luke and I got to a table, Marc went and visited his favorite spot -- the Pepsi wagon as he affectionately calls it. Fortunately, he did remember to pick me up a Diet Pepsi.

While we were eating, Luke just hung out in the stroller with his sippy cup. We did our best to keep him hydrated properly. He was also wearing his cute "little boy hat" to hopefully avoid burning his fair-skinned scalp.

While we were eating, we noticed some people we knew in the crowd.

Fortunately, Lindsay, Debby, and Sheryl came over for a visit at our table. We all talked about none other than -- you guessed it, the HEAT as well as some other fun topics. It was fun talking to you guys :)

There was also a Moon Walk for the kids....

And, sno-cones were available as well. We didn't get the sno-cones. We weren't sure we could've eaten them fast enough. Perhaps next year, when Luke's a bit older, he will be able to enjoy some of these things for kids.

We will hopefully definitely be taking part of this event again next year. Maybe it won't be 100 degrees. We can only hope.
Some of you might be asking, "Why was Marc available to go to this event during the week." Well, he works for Cessna in Wichita. All Cessna employees have a required furlough this summer as well as some other furlough weeks before the end of the year. So, he was home on furlough this past week.
Marc himself wanted me to post this photo. It's what he did on his furlough -- ate Nachos and drank Mountain Dew as well as Pepsi, of course. Yep, Marc took this photo himself.

But, just so you all do know -- Marc did accomplish quite a bit during his week of furlough. He did quite a bit of yard work as well as some cleaning inside our house. He also stayed with Luke a couple of days when I was working.