Monday, December 20, 2010
No planned supper needed....Marc once again had a big lunch at work -- for his supervisor's birthday. Luke and I will rummage :)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Chicken and Noodles over Mashed Potatoes
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Fish and Chips
(a.k.a. Fish and Fries)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Cheesy Potato Soup from Olde Westport Spice
(will be following directions on package to make a Cheeseburger Soup)
Friday, December 24, 2010
Breakfast: Druber's Donuts
Lunch: Arby's (probably)
Supper: At my parents' for evening....I will be taking veggies and dip.
Saturday, December 25, 2010 (MERRY CHRISTMAS!)
Breakfast: Egg Casserole and Gorilla Bread
Lunch: ????
Supper: At Marc's parents for evening
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Lunch: Rummage
Supper: Hamburger Goulash over Mashed Potatoes
And, just for fun....
Today, here in these "neck of the woods," the weather is quite nice for December -- mid 50s....
So, this morning, Luke and I went and played at Athletic Park here in town.
Of course, Luke spent quite a bit of time on the steps. (Keep in mind all three of these photos were taken with my phone).
Last summer, at this park, Luke went down one of the slides. It was very hot, and the hotness hurt his poor little legs. Since then, he hasn't been down that particular slide. Today, however, he went to this slide. I encouraged him to go down the slide. Of course, he remembered the "hot," and he told me "hot" over and over.
Finally, with some more encouragement, he did go down this slide. I didn't get a photo, though :(
But, at noon, the tornado sirens were tested (as they are all year round here on Mondays at noon). They're fairly loud. Luke wasn't at all scared, but he did give me this very serious look for quite awhile.
your phone takes pretty good pictures!
Wow, your phone takes awesome photos! Very sharp and the color is great.
Oh yes, it was such a lovely day, ahhhh! So lovely that I was filling all the cracks in our house and foundation with the spray insulating foam, about the time the sirens sounded... those sirens make me jump every time.
"this is a test... this... is a test... of the emergency... warning... system... this... is only... a test"
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