I just got out of the "blogging mood." Fortunately, that mood was temporary.
And, I'm very happy to report that nothing is really wrong. But, I truly do thank those of you who have questioned why I haven't blogged. First, I'm happy to hear that some people do really read this blog. And two, it touches me that you care.
Soooooo, how about I start up with a "typical" Monday thing -- at least on this blog?
I'll list out our meal plan for the week. And, of course, I'll put on a few photos of Luke :)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Savory Chicken Squares
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Salad from Dillon's with chicken
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Navajo Soup
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Fish & Chips
Friday, April 1, 2011
**Marc is taking a vacation day from work.
Lunch: McPherson DQ
Supper: Will be eating at a pre-race dinner (with Marc) at Kanopolis State Park
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Lunch: Rummage
Supper: Will be eating at a post-race dinner (with Marc) at Kanopolis State Park
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Lunch: Eating somewhere in McPherson, KS
Supper: Steak Fajitas
**Our Community Life Group (a.k.a. small group) from church is meeting at our home. I'll be providing cookies and ice cream for dessert!
Some of you who know Luke in person know that he REALLY likes to wear his sunglasses around. For Christmas, some very good friends of our's gave Luke a Mr. Potato Head.
Luke has recently taken to wearing the Mr. Potato Head glasses on his face with his actual sunglasses on his head.
This is documented with this photo....It's a little blurry. I took it with my phone.
Also, if you know Luke well, Luke likes to wear hats -- mainly his Daddy's hats, but he'll wear other hats as well.
Recently, Luke has taken to wearing two hats (sometimes even three) at a time.
I don't stop him from it, generally speaking.
Several weeks ago, Luke and I went to Subway for lunch. He insisted on wearing two hats, and I let him do just that. Yep, he did quite a few "cute" comments.
SOOO good to have you back. The Savory Chix Sq sounds really good. I'll look forward to giving them a try! I just keep looking for new things to cook!
Welcome back! I know what you mean, I have been on a break of sorts too. Your little boy is getting so big!
love the mr. potato head glasses, I have almost an identical picture of Taylor like that!
now that i see his bread cut up i realized why he wouldn't eat the muffin i gave him last night! he kept telling me to do something with it but i didn't understand! lol
I love your meal plans!! yummy!! I need some new ideas to through in here and there!!
Welcome back. Luke looks so adorable. I would love to hear what he's up to these days! :)
The glasses on Luke are hilarious! LOL!
I blogged today for the first time in 3 months... been too busy yacking over on Facebook, I guess. :D
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