Today was a HUGE day in our household. Luke started preschool, and Kate turned 3 months old (will be a future post). This school year, Luke is attending
Apple-A-Day Preschool, located at
Newton's Presbyterian Manor. For the past two years, I have transported a friend's daughter to this preschool. During that two years, I have really liked what I have seen in the preschool and in the director and teacher. I feel extremely confident in Luke attending this preschool this year.
We've been talking about preschool for awhile now. Luke has known he'd be going, and he has been excited. For the last week of so, we've been counting the "number of sleeps" until preschool begins. This morning, he was VERY ready to go to preschool right when he got up. He wasted NO time eating breakfast and getting dressed (usually, Luke dawdles during this process). (And, as a side note, Luke received this very cute John Deere hat from my friend,'s been worn A LOT the last two days...VERY GOOD choice,
I did the traditional pic on the first day of school. Luke's young enough that he happily obliged.
Marc came home from work just long enough to accompany Luke on his first day of preschool (Kate and I were also there). Marc and I figured it was most definitely worth the cost of gas and time spent to be with Luke on his first day. Unfortunately, when Marc was snapping this pic, it was BRIGHT outside. Though we love sunlight, this pic was hard on Luke.
I truly enjoyed watching Luke's confidence as we walked ahead of us down the hall toward his classroom.
There are hooks for each child's bag and coat (when cold out). Each child is assigned a number to use all year. Luke was assigned #6. (I realize this is probably not anything new to a preschool...Luke was just making a big deal later on in the day about he has #6)....It was very cute to me to watch him figure out where to put his bag.
Marc, Kate and I were able to leave with ZERO tears -- neither from Luke nor myself. Some would say, "Sarah -- get a's only preschool." That's right -- it's only preschool, but it's the first of many steps of Luke growing up. And, since I'm his mother, I will cry at times :) Today was a FULL day, and it was very busy. Being busy kept me from crying today, but know that I will shed tears over Luke going to preschool :) This last pic I took after climbing into the car after dropping Luke off. It's a picture of his all important little blanket and a couple of hats (signature to Luke). He wanted to take his little blanket (a.k.a. "Ah-Dah"). I told him, "No." Luke actually didn't dispute it, but he wanted it left right where he put it so he could have it right after preschool. I obliged. As far as the hats -- I simply didn't want him to have to worry about them all of the time nor did I want him to lose them.
Lastly -- a funny story....This past Saturday evening, we were over at another couple's house for supper. There were some toys available for Luke to play with (this couple is expecting their first child in November)....Luke did well and played nicely throughout the evening. Tuesday afternoon, after all of us getting up early for an appointment, Luke approached me in the living room and showed me what he brought home from the other evening. It was a little loader that didn't belong to him -- one he shouldn't have had at all in our home. SO, a lesson was to be learned. Taking something that doesn't belong us is wrong. SO, Luke, Kate, and I drove, late Tuesday afternoon, back out to this couple's house. Luke had to give the loader back and apologize for taking it. It took time out of our day and caused a later than normal supper. Was it worth it? I certainly hope a lesson was learned :) Here's a pic of Luke in the car....I LOVE it when he sleeps in the car....It's SO completely and utterly cute....even after he's taken something that doesn't belong to him and we're heading to a place so he can apologize.
Yep, little Luke is growing up -- in more ways than one....I hope it doesn't happen too fast, though :(
1 comment:
i recently too had to teach Ava a lesson in taking what wasn't hers...she made the process a little harder than it should have been BUT believe its so important for them to learn stealing is wrong as a young age!
oh-and you have my permission to cry anytime another milestone hits ;o)
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