It has come to my attention several times recently (by my husband) that I haven't been posting our meal plan out each week. Yep, I have still most definitely been meal-planning, but I haven't posted.
You see -- Marc likes to check this blog at work so he can look forward to certain foods when he's driving home (and if you know Marc, this should NOT surprise you)....
So, here's this week's meal plan....
Monday, August 30, 2010
Lemon Chicken Piccata (a Macaroni Grill fix-it meal)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sarah and Luke: Will be going to zoo with grandparents -- will pack supper to take along
Marc: Will eat out with little remaining money in "Eating Out/Entertainment" budget for August
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Macaroni Lasagna
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Fish & Chips
Friday, September 3, 2010 (Marc is taking the day off -- YAY!)
Lunch: Taco Tico
Supper: Tater Tot Casserole, Vegetable
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Lunch: Reception at church
Supper: Baked Chicken, Beans, Vegetable
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Lunch: Eating with Community Life Council at church
Supper: Pizza with Community Life Group
And, just for fun....
Luke, in recent months, has REALLY taken to wearing sunglasses, playing with sunglasses, and nearly always having sunglasses with him. He mostly wants to play with our sunglasses, BUT both Marc and I have some pretty good quality sunglasses (costing a bit of money to purchase). Therefore, Luke is NOT allowed to play with our sunglasses.
Thankfully, we have a Dollar Tree here in town where I can purchase sunglasses for a whopping one dollar. Then, if they're lost or broken, it's not such a big deal.
Marc took these photos last night...He took them with his iPhone; therefore, even though we both LOVE our iPhones, the photos aren't the best quality.
Looks like his personality is really coming out!
That is so Marc to want to check the menu. I used to always make meal plans and post it on the fridge. Now often I don't have a clue until it is suppertime what we are going to have. Welcome to the world of empty-nesters. The macaroni lasagna sounds good! Can I have the recipe? We'll have one meal together - at the party on Saturday.
Luke - what a "stylin' dude"! :)
Pretty cute!
Thank goodness for Dollar Tree, LOL! We have even gotten ourselves some pretty nice sunglasses from there that lasted for several years. Luke looks like one cool dude in his.
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! (Fonzie imitation from "Happy Days", LOL!)
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